About us
Welcome to Kimaragoli
The essence
How many times have you tried to remember what something like an item, an object, an animal, a fruit etc, you knew very well as a child was called in Kimaragoli? For instance, do you know what a Black Jack plant is called in Kimaragoli? What about mimosa plant? And the hare? What about a table? A chair? A cup? How hard did you struggle to remember and say this?
With technology, a lot of us and our children/community are slowly forgetting beautiful language and culture. Slowly by slowly, this language we love could get instinct and we don't want that to happen. We also aim to teach those that may want to learn and get familiar with the Kimaragoli language in an easy and self paced way through learning about vocabularies, phrases, sayings and their meaning and use.
The community
Kimaragoli.com is a purely community, volunteer driven project that seeks to teach, learn and preserve the Maragoli/Kimaragoli language through this community based Glossary/Dictionary project. All contributors agree to participate and share their knowledge for free and in a volition basis.